Eric's blog

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello everyone. For those of you that may have read my previous Blog, you'll notice that I was lecturing about what I did during the summer, and such, I will continue my summer... adventures, if you will. Well, actually, there's not much more to my summer story left. Oh, well. I suppose the last big thing that happened during the summer was, unfortunately, getting braces. Let e tell you, there not pleasant! Mainly for that fact that with braces, you cannot eat any candy, whatsoever, and lets face it, that's a killer on anyone. It also wasn't very pleasing to me that I had to get them installed one day before my Birthday. One day before the worst experienced pain...Oh, the modern day horror. It wasn't the best day, I'll admit that, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and ironically, that as the day my family went to my cousin Johns Birthday party. Yet another thing I blame the braces for, haha. See, what did I tel you, not much left in my summer funness (And pet peeves), so I suppose I'll just end likewise.


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