Eric's blog

Friday, November 16, 2007

I can freely admit this, I don’t have the most exciting life ever. I Haven’t blogged for… maybe a month, and almost nothing happened that you’d bother to hear, trust me. YES! I finally landed on the Aircraft carrier!
… Oh. Well, I’m talking about Microsoft Flight Simulator. I was flying in San Diego I while ago, and discovered an Aircraft carrier. Naturally, I tried to land on it. Failed considerably, of course. After about a week of trying, I finally accomplished it. … on a sail plane. Yeah, I can only land on it with a plane that doesn’t even have a Engine…
Ha-ha, I’m being threatened by my sibling. They need the computer, supposedly. So, I’d better stop, if I know ‘what’s good for me‘. I do, so…
I wish I could type more, but I have nothing to say, and I’m forced to do this. Humph.


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