Eric's blog

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Thursday, my family drove to Tempe for my sisters graduation. It's a four hour drive with a brother and three sisters in the car. the horror! At lest I had my ds to play. Once we got there we checked into our hotel and then went to My sisters apartment. Why do they call them apartments when there all stuck together like that? Went to the pool with my sister, then went to bed at midnight witch wasn't a smart move on my part judging that I had to wake up at 5:30 AM. After the graduation the next day, we went to this Chinese restaurant with everyone. Then we left back to Tucson. The four hour drive with 4 siblings with you. The horror!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

After just a week of saving up for the video game i waned, (see prevouse blog) I got enough for the game and the guide book! The real pay day was when dad gave me my allowance which i don't usually get. I asked for so mane jobs that when i already have the game I'm still working on jobs that I didn't finish yet. The game should help pass the time for when our family go to phoenix Thursday for my sis' graduation. Four graduations in one year, This summer should be fun. <--- Sarcasm
At lest I get to steal kim's room when she moves out.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I little while ago my friend got this really fun game that we both decided we would get. The next day after he got it he got grounded for something i'm not telling about, so he couldn't play it. Since he got grounded and couldn't play it, he let me borrow it untill he got ungrounded. It was so fun that I wanted to get it as fast as i could, so I asked my dad what I could to for cash. He said I could dig hole so they could come and un fill the septic tank.