Eric's blog

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What a truly interesting past three weeks it’s been. As you may know, I'm home schooled, so we work on out own schedule. So come Spring Break, I was rather annoyed when my mom said we weren't having Spring Break, instead we would spent the week doing half-days. hmm, something fishy was going on, I wasn't smart enough at the time to think that. I was just thinking we would have the next week as half-days too... Well, we didn't have the next week all half-days. That kind of got my goat. The Saturday after that, my mother said we were going to the Dog pound to look at the dogs. (I'm getting a dog due to our old one dying.) Meh, frankly, I was really excited at the time. I've always wanted a puppy. BUT, when I noticed my dad wasn't going with us, I was rather confused. My mom knows nothing about dogs, so why would she take us to get a dog? Wouldn't it make more sense if my dad were to come and give us advice on the breeds? Apparently not. My mother said we could just call dad if we found a dog we wanted. Hmm, something fishy is again going on. So, we drive to the dog pound when I noticed it seemed rather close to the Airport. I told my mom that we should go to the Airport to watch some planes land. Man, that was convenient. I WAS just kidding, but my mom didn’t listen, and turned right into the Airport. She demanded it, I guess. Well, you would think I’d be catching on by now. Believe it or not, I wasn’t. So, we finally found a parking spot (only fifteen minuets, ‘must be a record!), and we start to walk into the Airport. Hmm, you would think that plane watching wouldn't actually involve going into the Airport, but I was to excited to care. I honestly though we were going to watch planes at the time. So, after walking in the Airport for some time, I notice my mom really knew were she was going. You would think that since we've never done this before, we would get lost, or have to ask for directions. Just a few minuets after I was noticing that, I saw a kid, and thought, (Man, that kid looks like my cousin...) Yeah, it turns out it was him, along with his twin brother, his mom, and Grandmother were all there from Chicago. If I recall correctly, I almost fainted. We don't see them very much. I s’pose that explains why my sister was putting on make-up. Most people wouldn’t need make-up for a trip to the dog pound. ... Well, they haven't been to Tucson for six years. I realized I was just plain getting scammed left and right. It was a fun week, as I recall. The first activity was the mall. Dang, that wasn't any fun. We just had to bring my sixteen year-old sister along with us. That probably turned that trip about ten times longed then it would normally take. And all for a pare of sun-glasses, per se... Seeing as they sure as heck not staying at our house, they spent the nights in a fairly nice hotel. (With a pool!) Free Lemonade, a hot tub, and a bar are all the amenities I need to enjoy a stay at a hotel. Too bad I wasn’t literally staying overnight... Right then, before I continue any longer, I think I would only make sense if I put a slight biography, about the Illinois family, to make this blog make so much more sense.

Okay, so I don’t want to put information on every little thing we did. I’ll just put more of the more of the fun things we did, from here on out.