Eric's blog

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Now that I think about it, the holidays are coming soon, and just in time for a thriving economy! Anyway, number one comes Halloween. It may not be a holiday for grownups, but for kids? Heck yeah! I'm not going trick-or-treating this year. There's not much of a reason for me to knock on people's doors and demand candy. Well, per chance I will have reason to wear something come Halloween, I tempting myself to buy a Barrack Obama mask. Think about it; instead of shouting the usually "Trick or Treat!." I could just stutter a rejected acknowledgment for candy. Why, I'd be a scream, literally. Next comes Thanksgiving, which I am exited about, as family from Texas will be visiting. I'm look forward to giving myself a better impression than the last time they were here, haha. Then comes Christmas, the holiday where kids get to show their greed once again. I'll probably just get loads of money to waste on candy and bubble gum cards. Kidding.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ow, my toes hurt. I don't know why, but my toes are always subject to pain for some reason. First, I stub it against the wall, (Brilliant, I know,) so I get a huge blood-blister on it, then, two days later, I slam my whole foot against the nice, soft, smooth, concrete. Yeah, right. It was actually two whole minutes before I realized what had happened. Yes, I look down at my toes, only to see a huge piece of skin hanging from my small toe - the same toe with the blister. And having this happen raises an interesting train-of-thought, (Which is apparently is still at the boarding station): The most inconvenient thing about the human body - for me, at least - would be the fact that most injuries, blood related, are in an area which is difficult for a Band-Aid to work their magic; joints, toes, fingers, I'm looking at you. Ah, fall is here again. That must be why I'm getting injured so much. But seriously, I love summer, but the heat just makes me feel sad. I'm happy that the cold weather (from a Tucsonan's perspective) is coming, and coming fast. And with it, the jolly holidays, but we'll save that for another inevitable discussion. For now, mother nature, give me your best shot! Fall was always a lost-cause where I live. When most think of Autumn, they think colored trees, with beutifull leaves stripped atop from god himself; however... Tucson, is, and always will be, a bone-dry desert, as along as you disregard the lakes, of course. We fall short of most holiday weather. The only trees you'll find here either have no leaves, or they don't fall off, nor change color. Basically, this city always looks the same. Sunny, dry, and to some extent, dead. Now that's the views of someone who has wanted to live in Chicago since he was ten, so this is biased - I'll admit it. What most people think is exactly the opposite of what I said, oddly. Some think this city - located right smack tab in the middle o' nowhere - is more alive and beutifull than any city in the whole United States. Ah, I love a good laugh.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Good lord, I'm... Blogging again? All I can say is that I'm quite happy my Spanish course I was taking over the past six weeks is over. Spanish took up most of my school, I s'pose. But anyway, I guess I'll be Blogging more now, although now that I think of it, isn't that what I said the last time?

Now I know you peeps like my Blog and all, but c'mon, I'm a teenager now, and thus I have absolutely nothing to write about. I remember my old Blog... I would write about every little meaningless thing that ever happened to me. As far as I'm concerned, people liked it better then, but I think I'm putting to much expectations on my Blog. Haha, imagen that: A teenage boy, with expectations. That makes me laugh. But seriously, prepare for some boring Blogs. I think I write a lot better when there's a discussion point, and I'm not too good at making my own. I mean, just look at my lower paragrahp. I'm writing about our pets... again? I've wrote about that how many times now? Lol?Wow, my house is a zoo right now. Not because of the quantity of animals we have; no, we only have seven, we live in a zoo because all of the animals we have are extremely out of the ordinary somehow. Disregarding the ferrets, of course. Ferrets have no real source of individuality. All ferrets just sleep for the same eighteen hours a day, and sniff whatever they can find for the rest of the four hours in a day. I think it is mainly fun to observe the cats. We have one outside cat, which all are jerks, as you probably well know, and two inside cats we inherited from out sister. The outside cat's name is Vaca, (wut?) and right now he's public enemy number one, and what's interesting to me is to see that other cats reaction to him. Vaca is rather large from eating all that meat, so I guess the other cats think he's a freak, or perhaps maybe it's just the fact that he's a boy that make the other cats hate him. I'd believe it, haha. I'm sure that the other cats hate him, but at the same time, I'd believe that they love him. I can't make up my mind: do they hate him, or love him? Both of the cats, in my mind, would like nothing more than to slash him right in the kisser, but I don't have much trouble thinking just the opposite. I know they probably dislike him, but for some reason, they're always following him around. I don't know about you, but if I dislike someone, I usually evoid them, to be honest. Cats are weird. The hiss at him, yet, the follow him. Poor Vaca gets no love. :(Next week's discussion: I don't know! You can comment in my Blog to suggest a discussion point. That would help make my Blog better, and I could get an idea how many random people around the world love it. Kidding, but who knows.