Eric's blog

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Spam Email. What's the point? Do people really think I'm going to read that crap? What kind of idiot would? Not me. I logged on to check my Email, and sure enough, I had 81 new messages. Sure enough, they where all spam. Gosh, I just checked my Email Yesterday! Overkill, and do you know what I did? 'Click'. And boom, all of my messages where gone! I couldn't help nut chuckle, and ponder. 'who actually reads those?' I asked. You ever had one of those times where you feel really, really unlucky? It's been happening to me, a lot. You may have read my previous blogs and read about the whole braces incident, well, it's still lingering. 'That's not so bad' you may think, well, it doesn't stop there! I got a cold. A long cold, one of those colds where you feel like your dieing... That was right at the time I got less tighter bands, so I could sleep. I finally thought I could sleep, I finally thought it was all over. It wasn't, and because of that cold, I STILL couldn't sleep. Now, you can image how long my weekends must be, so I get very excited when the weekends comes. Well, over the past month (Around the time this whole thing started) We've been getting huge torrential storms! ... and we get one each and every week, for the past month. And you know what? Each and every one of them have fallen on the weekend, and each and every one of them last exactly two days. So, the come along Friday morning, and leave Sunday night, Ruining any Weekend plans. Sometimes I think god is just mad at me, because everyone else seems to enjoy the rain. I'm really learning to despise it. I haven't got a good, free day for at least a month. Ugh. I will end at that. *Saves Blog a dozen times to ensure that It doesn't get deleted again*


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