Eric's blog

Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's that time of the year again, the time of year when no matter where you go, It's always there. I'm talking about the 2008 election, for people who don't care, like myself, not old enough to vote, I get contently stained wherever I go. It's all people talk about... the only thing you see on TV... everything talk show hosts talk about... Basically, everything I do revolves around something I don't care about, ... I even got something campaign (Rhymes with complain!) related in a video game of mine...I guess it is a big issue and all, but I can't vote either way, so I'm not the right to care... How do I avoid it? I do stupid things that I wouldn't normally do, like play myself at Basketball. (Guess who won?) Making a fantasy basketball team... and play a regular season schedule. My team is pretty good, hence the fact that I make everyone I play purposely horrible, and mine really good... I've been noticing lately that my attitude can be easily adjusted. Why, just the other day, I felt allmost perfect. I was in such a good mood for some reason, then I look to my left side... and saw a bottle cap that said "You are not a winner!" Then, I felt horrible. I don't know why... It was quite strange, but then my mood changed when I saw a couple birds flying in the air with a shape of someone smiling at me... It was a strange ten seconds, it almost made me laugh.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If you read my Blogs on a Daily Basis, you may notice that I usually write about one of two things.
And those things are:
A) Just generally talk about my life. Basically, what's been happening, what I will do, and perhaps what I won’t do?
B) I rant about something that doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever.I've chosen number two for this week blog!

So, over the past two weeks, something in particular has really been annoying me. Even though it’s extremely easy to Ignore.Lately, chat speak has really been on my nerves. Or, "1337 Speak" as they call it.I do a lot of Internet Administrating on Forums. Basically, I lock topics for particular reasons, ban naughty members, Et cetera, and so I see a lot of that chat speak around. Why do they do? By saying "I C U" instead of "I see you" to save time? But in all honesty, it doesn't save all that much of time. It just makes you look like an idiot, and for some reason, I think that they're aware of that! It’s only a matter of time until we elect presents that are going to write laws with that kind of writing. I sincerely hope I’m dead by then.