Eric's blog

Friday, May 09, 2008

I’m just plain sick of how stupid out generation is. I mean, just the way people are, the way people think, it’s just… psychotic. Gosh, just look at our democratic candidates. Barack Obama… Went to a anti-American church for twenty years, and doesn’t even qualify as an FBI agent, let along president of the United states! People are still supporting him like mad. Hilleary Clinton; her brilliant solution to lower gas prices is to… tax the oil companies? Lolwut. Basically stealing their money. Huh? I don’t get it. If anything, that’ll higher the price for gas prices. For goodness sake, use your common sense, people. It must not be so common, after all. Oh, and may I might add that… people still vote for her like mad. Good grief.

Ah, then there’s religion, the Economy, everything like that. I could rant about this all day if I wanted to. Thank god I don’t.
As a Christian, I believe this world was made by a god. A LOT of people I know believe the world just made itself. Huh? So, I guess I little speck of dust just made this whole universe, didn’t it? ‘Don’t think so. Where did that speck o’ just come from in the first place? How do you make something out of nothing, I ask? Think about it; Christianity is a win-win situation religion. So, lets say you’re an atheist, and you’re right about what you believe in. Well congratulations, once you die, nothing happens. BUT, let’s say you’re wrong, well, that can’t be good… So, let’s say a Christian is wrong about what he believes in. Yay! Nothing happens. However, if we’re right, then yay! We go to heaven. Sounds cool, right? Well why I’m I the only one who thinks like this? If there was two buckets, one with a million dollars in it, and one with… oh, something bad. Anything, I guess. So, essentially, there’s a 50-50% chance you’ll be getting the million. Sounds great, but you can do better. When you think about it, being a Christian is like playing that same game with a 100% chance at a million dollars! Wow! Start usin’ your brain, people. I can live a peaceful life without having to worry about anything.


Blogger Kristin said...

Sweet post--I want more! Hehe.


9:24 PM  

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