Eric's blog

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Uhh, is it Thanksgiving already? I thought that summer just ended... Time has really been flying past me, it's making me feel old. anyway, For thanksgiving, we're not going to do the usual watch the Maces' parriade and eat Donuts for Breakfast. No, for Thanksgiving, we're going to drive to a nearby city named Phoenix. I think it's because ASU is hosting some big Thanksgiving lunch for anyone in the marching band, and related to anyone who's in the marching band. I happen to think it will be fun, just laying at the Hotel watching the basketball game. And what about Christmas? That's only in a month! Though, I'm not seeing any snow, but perhaps that's because we live in the Desert...

Friday, November 16, 2007

I can freely admit this, I don’t have the most exciting life ever. I Haven’t blogged for… maybe a month, and almost nothing happened that you’d bother to hear, trust me. YES! I finally landed on the Aircraft carrier!
… Oh. Well, I’m talking about Microsoft Flight Simulator. I was flying in San Diego I while ago, and discovered an Aircraft carrier. Naturally, I tried to land on it. Failed considerably, of course. After about a week of trying, I finally accomplished it. … on a sail plane. Yeah, I can only land on it with a plane that doesn’t even have a Engine…
Ha-ha, I’m being threatened by my sibling. They need the computer, supposedly. So, I’d better stop, if I know ‘what’s good for me‘. I do, so…
I wish I could type more, but I have nothing to say, and I’m forced to do this. Humph.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Er, wow. Yesterday was Halloween. Supposedly my most hated Holiday, mainly for the fact that I have braces, preventing me to eat most candy. I was going to skip it, and pretend it was just any other day, but my friend had invited me to a Halloween party as his church. Naturally, I just couldn't say no. Now I have about five pounds of candy that I can't eat. >: Oh well, I had fun anyway. I was themed the Riddler. It was a pretty good Riddler, too. It wouldn't have been near as good if my Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't have helped me. They're so convenient , My Grandparents have pretty much everything in their garage.