Eric's blog

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Spam Email. What's the point? Do people really think I'm going to read that crap? What kind of idiot would? Not me. I logged on to check my Email, and sure enough, I had 81 new messages. Sure enough, they where all spam. Gosh, I just checked my Email Yesterday! Overkill, and do you know what I did? 'Click'. And boom, all of my messages where gone! I couldn't help nut chuckle, and ponder. 'who actually reads those?' I asked. You ever had one of those times where you feel really, really unlucky? It's been happening to me, a lot. You may have read my previous blogs and read about the whole braces incident, well, it's still lingering. 'That's not so bad' you may think, well, it doesn't stop there! I got a cold. A long cold, one of those colds where you feel like your dieing... That was right at the time I got less tighter bands, so I could sleep. I finally thought I could sleep, I finally thought it was all over. It wasn't, and because of that cold, I STILL couldn't sleep. Now, you can image how long my weekends must be, so I get very excited when the weekends comes. Well, over the past month (Around the time this whole thing started) We've been getting huge torrential storms! ... and we get one each and every week, for the past month. And you know what? Each and every one of them have fallen on the weekend, and each and every one of them last exactly two days. So, the come along Friday morning, and leave Sunday night, Ruining any Weekend plans. Sometimes I think god is just mad at me, because everyone else seems to enjoy the rain. I'm really learning to despise it. I haven't got a good, free day for at least a month. Ugh. I will end at that. *Saves Blog a dozen times to ensure that It doesn't get deleted again*

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why does everything have to be so Futuristic these days? I keep seeing... weird things I don't understand. Okay, I went to my friends house a few days ago, while he was on the phone with his mom, I was watching a program in his TV. A futuristic kind of show, where they show what they world WILL be like, and how it will be so great. Generally, I only saw the part where they think that the future will have different kind of ways to purchase automobiles. "If your interested in a car, all you have to do is step into out laboratory, where you can look at 3D images of the chosen automobile you're interested in. You can even test drive a car in a vertual reality Simulator with the chosen car." I have no idea if that's what they actually said, though, it's something like that. . . The very second they said that, I thought "... OR, you could just look and test drive the selected car, in REAL life..." Seriously, it's a waste of money, maybe a little safer, but a waste of money. And with things like that, it would be extremely easier to scam someone into buying a car. Sorry if this next story is boring, it was my mom's idea... Okay. They other day I was doing some Bible research for my 'Homework', and I ran into a word I didn't quite know what it meant. SO, my mom told me to look it up in a Dictionary. How I hate looking up things in the Dictionary... The word was 'Annoint'. Okay, I looked it up in the Dictionary, and to my surprise, it wasn't in there. Now, it's time to bring out the big Dictionary. So, I look it up in the huge one, and... "No Annoint!" There was seriously something I was doing wrong. After a second, my mom realizes what 'Annoint' Was Actually 'Anoint. Eric was mad. Waste of time, too... Well, thank you for reading...

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ever have one of those huge, yet live changing things happen to you? I am currently going through one, actually. Okay, just one word could pretty much describe this whole incident: Braces. ... I recently got those bands that keep your mouth shut. (Obviously, my sister was thrilled at that) With the bands in my mouth ALMOST 24/7, as you can imagine, it makes sleep something of the past, like a dream. (How Ironic...) I haven't got a good nights sleep in, about two and a half months. My mom can't even stay awake for 6 yours without having to take a nap with a full nights sleep! I feel... infinitely stymied. Oh yes! Now, before I type this Paragraph, I'd like to confirm that that I live in Arizona, the desert. Haha, after about 6 months without a single drop if rain, my prayers and dreams came true last weekend. (More Irony...) It rained. Big, huge storm that lasted about three whole days. The storm cell was huge, almost bigger the state of Arizona! And, we seem to have another one coming in this weekend! It's seriously like a dream come true for me, even though I don't dream much anymore... Thanks for reading my blog that I am forced to do. I'm sure I'll have a new one up, depending on how long I can stall!