Eric's blog

Thursday, February 21, 2008

If you read my last blog, you've read how darn cold it has been lately. Apparently, it doesn't end there. Last week it was excessive hail, this week, it was snow. Well, huh? I can't really say snow is very common here in the desert; we get snow maybe once every seven years. Some parts of the city had 4 inches of snow, according to the news. Apparently, it was enough snow to be able to make a snowman. That's a weird thought, a snowman sitting right smack-dab in the middle of the desert, right next to a cactus. No, we didn't get as much as those parts of the city, unfortunately; But I still enjoyed the short time we had of that white stuff those Northerners call "snow".
Well, It's official; I can hack now! Not very serous hacking, of course. More so the simple hacking you can do on a little hand-held system called the Nintendo DS. Well, I wouldn't call it EASY. I was forced to troubleshoot for three-and-a-half hours after my dad had given up on it. But still, oh so worth it. First I had to buy the Hacking System, called the Action Replay. Then I spent about one hour trying to even figure out how to install it, when I then realized, I hadn't had the CD. Well, THAT was a waste of time. After I got it installed the very next day, I had the install another thing as well. Something that was more advanced hacking for a certain game I had. Well, I spent a mere three hours troubleshooting with that, when of course, I had downloaded the Japanese version. So, yeah; 6 / 7TH of the time spent troubleshooting was essentially a waste of time, and got me nowhere. But finally, I got it to work; Thank god. Now I can hack, simple hacking, but I did it. All I can say is, I'm no computer genius...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The weather has been acting odd lately... I mean, two days ago, I was basically the coldest of the season. I could literally ice skate on our pool if I really wanted to, but frankly, I have brains, so... The next day, it felt like... summer? Okay, here's how odd this really is:
On our coldest night, last Saturday, it probably never reached over 62 degrees Fahrenheit. The next day, our low (Meaning the average temperature of that night) was almost 75 degrees. Well, huh? Let's just do what everyone else does, and blame Global Warming.

Unfortunately for scientists, about a week ago, it hailed over three times in one day. ... We rarely get hail twice a year... It was so much; we even got to make a small hail man! It was a hail wonder land, and not many people ever get to say that. Hail man... hail balls... hail angels... I just wish I got pictures.

Looking at that last paragraph, it makes me more skeptical of Global Warming then I usually am. I guess I face the facts a lot, but people that announce them seem to be hiding other facts, too. It makes it really hard to choose what you believe in, that’s why I just stay skeptical about it. Either way, I’m right if I stay skeptical!Seriously, a few dozen years ago, it seemed like everyone was stating the fact that the world will end due to an 'Ice Age'. Now it’s… Global Warming? I mean, make up your mind, people.

Just the other day, I saw a political cartoon saying ‘Global Warming! (This time we mean it.) I suppose that means congress is well aware of how stupid this whole thing really is.

Most scientists that believe in Global Warming also think that most of the reason behind it is Pollution, which I personally disagree with. I wouldn’t be surprised if they say pollution is the cause of Global Warming just to cover up all the illogical facts basically proving Global Warming is fictional. I'm certainly not ready to believe Global Warming is a fact. Just because scientists have records of 50 years of spikes in the temperature, doesn't mean that a period of thousands of years hasn’t been decreasing. That's called a weak Generalization, a logical fallacy; and I'm not about to accept fake facts. Some people will think the world has slowly been increasing in temperature, others think that over a long period of time; the world's temperature has been raising and falling. I like to think that even if Global Warming is actually happening, well, so what? If the world ends due to it, I'm not going to be around when that happens... I can understand why environmentalists make such a big deal about it, but they don't really need to scare with something that won't happen in out life time; unless of course, you live to be 10,000 years old. Seriously, I’m annoyed with people who think Global Warming is factual. They just don't look at the facts that disagree in what they believe. I can almost guarantee that someday there will be a fictional book on this topic: The world that never ended! I would laugh so hard.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Well, another Super Bowl has come and gone. ... Thank god. I was getting sick of how oddly people make a big deal about it. It might be the biggest game of the year, sure; but in all honestly, it's just a bunch of grown man tackling each other. Why is it such a big deal to people? All they do is try to throw the ball at the end of the field, trying to evade being tackled.

But it's not only the players and the fans... There are commercials, Super Bowl cheer leaders, Super Bowl Marching bands, Super Bowl accessories, and much more depressing things; like... Super Bowls sails... Honestly, there's only about a mean of two plays that are actually worth watching, but from then on, the rest is just boring. ... I can just watch big plays on the Internet if I really cared enough. What's more sad to me is the fact that people spend hundreds of dollars to see these games live... Why are the fans willing to be out in the - 5 degree weather to watch the most boring sport ever created? I don't know.

Football: Where dreams go to die.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Well, this annoys me. For about four six months now, I’ve pretty much wasted all of my time on some Pokemon game, that basic point is to create a competitive battling team, and battle other people with their own. I worked about 200 hours of playing time focused on my competitive battling team only. (Trust me, it hard work if I want a good team)
Four months after I start my team, I finally finished my team, and wouldn’t you know it? I got tired of the game. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t log on and battle some people! When for all these months, it’s what I’ve been dreaming about!

I can’t believe it, but I was so bored the other day, that I was throwing model airplanes I made off the roof…
My and my friend wanted to see if we could get any off my models to actually fly, and make a somewhat soft landing. Well, I’ll tell you this much, we got it to crash pretty darn well. Touché