Eric's blog

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I've noticed lately that a lot of people I know, their beliefs and actions contradict each other. Most parents are like that; They tell you something not to do, when they do it all the time. Like I'm restricted for one hour of TV, computer, or anything like that a day; but everyone in my family, not restricted by that rule, does the computer, TV, etcetera, all day, literally. I think that it's a failed generation if the kids don't turn out better then the parents. Sheesh, It's like a police officer speeding. For crying out loud, at least you can abide by your OWN rules.

Some Christians think public schools can't teach about Evolution. I kind of agree, and disagree at the same time. I could go either way. I don't really mind being taught it, even though I don't believe it. It's sciences class, not "God class". Although I don't believe it, it's still science, so I think it's okay for it to be taught. It may actually give me some help next time I have a logical conversation about how the world began; I could talk about what I believe, while having reasons I don't believe something else, because I learned about it! How convenient! Just because you don't believe something, doesn't mean learning about it won't help you in life. I recently realized that it's February 21. Not a big deal; It's just that, my friend, Jonathan, still has Halloween candy from not only last year, but the year before that! Obviously, he's not addicted to candy, like myself. Secondly, he must of had, maybe 15 pounds of candy. I just felt like acknowledging that. Yes, I am weird ike that.

Wow. There's a lot of pointless inventions out there these days. I was eating lunch and saw a guy using a leaf blower. Think about it, the entire purpose of a leaf blower is to move a mess from one place to another, without really getting rid of it. Maybe it has some code, and the real purpose of it is to move all of your leaves to the neighbors yard. Another pointless invention: Glasses cleaners. Windshield wipers for your classes! Don't waste another two seconds cleaning you classes again! Then there are a lot some pretty awesome inventions. They may be pricey, but if people could afford them, companies would make a fortune. Like automatic vacuum cleaners. Little things that clean your carpet 24 / 7. They work better then your average vacuum, too. It totally kills the human element in vacuuming, so it not only picks up allergens and things like that, but it could also make personal patterns in your carpet, I believe. \The following statment is true; The previous statement is false...Writers block; So this is what it's like...


Blogger Kristin said...

Wait, so was that true or not about the vacuum cleaner that is automatic and makes designs in your carpet?? That is wonderful if it's true.

Also, I would like to say that your profile says that you have "5 sisters" this is 不太对 which means "not very correct"... I only know this because our language teacher says this to us a lot. But anyway, you have 6 sisters! I know I'm far away and it's easy to forget about me and all...but really... ;)

2:09 AM  
Blogger Kerri said...

Thanks for pointing that out. Totally my fault. When i was setting up the 3 of them, they got all mixed up, between the kids, and some of the side info actually had other names, etc. Ha, ya, since you live out of the country, we changed it to only 5 sisters. LOL.

7:10 AM  

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