Eric's blog

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lordy, is summer over already? Technically it isn't, but I generally see no need in using the word "Summer." From here on out, I will be using the term "Spring," so please bear with me. Okay, I swear last Friday was the worse day of my life. Firstly, I wake up completely sick with jut the general symptoms, and then I turn on the computer to get a Pop Up Message saying my forum was getting hacked... I am an administrator in that forum, so it was up to me to ban the hacker, and restore the forum. After about an hour of trying to resolve he problem, I find out that I as about two clicks from the mouse to save the site... and wouldn't you know it. Right when I'm about to revive the forum, my mom comes in the room, yells at me and then kicked my off the computer. Yes, he forum ended up getting deleted. :/... As much as I'd love to continue the the "lecture" abut my... pet peeved day, I'd rather I just stop. :/Haha, the more I stay in my rand new room my sister passed on to me, the more I discover all the wondrous things she left for me. They include: Sun glasses x2. A phone, a Lord Of The Rings trash disposal, an alarm clock x2, a fan, a thermometer, a rather large radio, and reclining chair (Personal favorite) Darnit, I over did it again with the Blog.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hello everyone. For those of you that may have read my previous Blog, you'll notice that I was lecturing about what I did during the summer, and such, I will continue my summer... adventures, if you will. Well, actually, there's not much more to my summer story left. Oh, well. I suppose the last big thing that happened during the summer was, unfortunately, getting braces. Let e tell you, there not pleasant! Mainly for that fact that with braces, you cannot eat any candy, whatsoever, and lets face it, that's a killer on anyone. It also wasn't very pleasing to me that I had to get them installed one day before my Birthday. One day before the worst experienced pain...Oh, the modern day horror. It wasn't the best day, I'll admit that, but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and ironically, that as the day my family went to my cousin Johns Birthday party. Yet another thing I blame the braces for, haha. See, what did I tel you, not much left in my summer funness (And pet peeves), so I suppose I'll just end likewise.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ah, summer. a time to relax, have fun, and most importantly, NOT BLOGGING. Okay, I'll admit that blogging isn't the best reputation I have, in fact, it's one of my worst. I suppose I realized how boring this is, now that summer has ended. This summer must have been one of the best ever.
Firstly, we had a beginning summer vacation at Chicago ILL to visit family. How I love it their. There's a huge difference from Chicago, and Tucson (my home town). First of all, there's grass. real, green grass. Something rarely seen in the desert. Secondly, I's A LOT cooler there, and thirdly, It actually rains their. Rain for us is almost like... a gift...Haha, enough of that, let's go through some of my other summer lectors... It must have been my next door neighbor, (and best friend) that made summer ... well, summer. Almost every day, I went to his house to help him with his chores. Yes, his mom gives him chores so he wont be a "couch potato". After that, we have lunch while watching a TV sow called Mythbusters on the Discovery chanel. Now, don't be surprised that the show is considered to be educational, we like it for the fact that they blow things up. Well, Since I'm home school, and this is part of my home work, I'd better end my lecture likewise, so I can get back to some rockin' school.